Sam decided it was time that he tried some rice cereal. Mommy was a little weary of starting it, but after daddy bought Sam a new high chair mommy couldn't resist. Sam loved it! He was a little confused at first and spit it out, but after a while he he got the hang of it. He eventually started screaming in between bites because I couldn't shovel it in fast enough!
Sam got lots of good presents for Christmas this year. He loves his Rainforest Jumper - it plays fun music everytime he jumps (except daddy is always turning the sound off)! Sam got all kinds of fun toys, he especially loves the ones that light up. He also got lots of neat clothes - he seems to be outgrowing all his lately:) Oh and daddy got him a college savings plan, how fun.
As you can see, Sam has discovered his tongue:) He always has his mouth open and his tongue out, it is really funny. He has also become the drool king. His hands have become his most fascinating toy, he's always got them in his mouth - he even sucks his thumb (really cute). Sam loves his little jumper - he just bounces around. He loves to stand up and pretend to walk around. He is always on the move - loves to kick his legs and roll over. He is a bit spoiled - you must be on the move at all times when he is awake, oh well mommy gets her exercise in!
Sam just turned 3 months old on Thursday - I can't believe how much he changes week to week. He has now discovered his hands, they must be pretty tasty because they are always in his mouth (and drool is always coming out)! Sam also loves his tongue, he is always sticking it out at us:) He loves to talk to his mommy and daddy - he is making all kinds of new sounds and he is always full of smiles. (except when he has to wear his Santa hat)
Things have been kinda crazy these past weeks; Sam made his second trip to Iowa - Eric's g-ma passed away last week so we went back for the funeral). We are trying to get into the Christmas spirit but it is hard without snow and without all our family. Mommy finally put up the tree and daddy put up lights outside. Sam loves to stare at the lights. Now we just have to start our Christmas shopping, nothing like waiting til the last minute:)
Sam was so lucky to get a brand new Iowa Hawkeye outfit from his G-pa Lynn - he looks so good in black and gold:) Daddy was not too thrilled about the fact his lil' boy was wearing a Hawkeye outfit - kind of a family feud we have going on since daddy thinks the only team out there is the Iowa State Cyclones (we showed him:)) Sam was such a trooper in Iowa - he adjusted quite well to all the chaos. Between all the family get togethers, shopping trips, and Sam's Baptism there wasn't a dull moment. I think he was a pretty exhausted little boy when we finally got back to Florida. Sam and mommy both slept for 2 days straight - poor daddy had to go back to work! (Sam is now moving on to Christmas - sporting his new Pj's)
It was soooo cold in Iowa, Sam really liked being all bundled up (so did mommy in her silly hat) - he would fall right asleeep. Sam got to see snow for the very first time on his first day in Iowa. It was too cold outside to play in it though:) maybe next year! Sam fit right in wearing his new camo outfit from G-ma Vickie - daddy liked this outfit.
Sam had his first airplane trip this week! We went home to Iowa for Thanksgiving. Sam did so good on the airplane -considering we had a 5 hour delay due to mechanical problems - aaahhhh! It was a little stressful traveling with a baby - so many bags, but I think we did pretty well for the first time! More pics of Sam's first trip to Iowa soon.