Do I look like my daddy? Everyone says I look just like my daddy and I think they are right. Mommy says it isn't fair since she was the one that carried me for nine months then went through 29 hours of labor to get me out. All I know is I am one cute lil' guy:) Daddy bought me a baseball cap just like his - don't we look sooooo cute??

GO HAWKEYES! I love wearing my Iowa Hawkeye outfit - it makes daddy kinda upset when he sees me wear it, but he still loves me.

Such a big boy - I can stand up already:)

I had so much fun at the beach the other day - mommy and daddy let me put my feet in the sand, it felt so funny - it got stuck in my toes. I got new swimming trunks the other day (they are stylin'). I can't wait to wear them and go swimming, only a few more months!

Here is my buddy Brayden, we have so much fun playing together.