I LOVE to give mommy kisses. I am pretty stingy with my kisses, I save them all for mommy. Mommy says I am the best kisser ever:) Look at my big beautiful smile:) SMOOCH!
I had such a fun time at the swimming pool. The water was a little chilly, but I had so much fun. I loved splashing mommy and daddy. Mommy even dunked me a couple times and I loved it. Mommy and daddy say I am going to be a little fishy. The only bad thing about the pool is there isn't any sand to eat:)
I am a crawling machine! I love making mommy and daddy chase me around the house.
Just like daddy - I love to put on all of daddy's cool hats. Don't tell, but mommy told me I am way cuter:)
The best toy of all - a BOX! Who knew I could have so much fun playing with a box. Mommy and daddy say they aren't going to buy me anymore toys because all I play with are boxes and mommy's kitchen stuff and not to forget the remote control which is my favorite (daddy gets mad because it is always all wet and gooey!)
Well I am 8 months old today! Mommy says I am growing up way too fast. I am getting to be a little stinker; it is just that mommy and daddy have so many cool things to get into and chew on I can't help myself:) I love crawling all over the house and making mommy chase after me all day. I keep her on her toes! I am getting really good at pulling myself up onto things, sometimes I get stuck but all I have to do is scream and mommy comes right to my rescue. Daddy says I got her wrapped around my little finger and boy is he right! I have been talking up a storm lately - mama, baba and I finally said dada the other day which made daddy very happy; and of course I still love screaming at things! I have been working on getting 4 of my top teeth this week so I have been very GROUCHY! I just chew and chew on everything, thankfully they are almost popped through. I haven't been letting mommy get any sleep, she is getting kind of cranky so I better start behaving or daddy says I am going to have to sleep in my crib - AHHH!
It is hard work going shopping with mommy! She wears me out:)