Can you believe it?? My mommy is PREGNANT!!! They confirmed it this morning at the doctor. She is 8 weeks along, due March 8th, and still feeling pretty good. She gets pretty tired and seems to be hungry all the time but other than that she hasn't complained too much YET:). We have a pregnancy name for her and call her Becky when she gets mean so that has been kind of fun ha!ha! I am sooo excited to be a Big Brother. I can't wait to have a little brother or sister to boss around it's gonna be GREAT!
Just a side note: My daddy got selected to become a Special Agent in the Air Force Office of Special Investigations (pretty much like the FBI of the Air Force). WAY TO GO DADDY! No more geeky computer stuff for my daddy:) All in all it has been a pretty good week for the Kline family!