They are looking more like twins everyday - size wise:) We have a couple of cute blondies! Mommy's life is slowly starting to get a teeny bit easier but don't tell daddy...the boys have really started playing well together, Jack copies everything his big brother does and of course Sam thinks it is great:) Sam will be 3 yr old here in another month and Jack is almost 18 months...can't believe how fast time flies by. I never thought I would say this but Sam is actually the easy one now!! He is a piece of cake compared to his brother. We can take him out to dinner without a fuss, he will sit through the movies, play nicely at the pool and at the beach, and he even likes Target!! Jack on the other hand goes non-stop (usually in the opposite direction of mommy)...he has developed a little temper and I think Sam passed on the terrible two's to him! He is a little stinker and it's a good thing he is so dang cute! I never knew having two boys would be so much fun and so entertaining! They are total dirt balls all day long and i love it! It drives daddy crazy when he comes home and they are soaking wet, covered in mud and have popsicle juice running everywhere but it that is just part of being a boy and having fun:)

I think we know what these guys are gonna be for Halloween! Jack was so funny in the costume, he thought it was so cool he got to wear one like his big brother!
Jack has finally decided to start talking a little...he now, juice, mom, teeth, thank you, fish, neighs like a horse, quacks like a duck and gives really good "kitty kisses" (Sam taught him this one)! I have been teaching him some sign language since the child refuses to talk and he has been doing awesome...we have learned two words in two days (drink and more) so he has picked it up really fast...Sam has been a very helpful teacher!
Jack likes to do everything his big brother Sam does...Sam taught Jack how to stick his tongue out.
Sam finally learned how to do the "shocka"...everyone does it here it means hang loose/surfs up/etc....he could never get his fingers just right then one day he got it and he was so proud of himself:) He has also learned some cool tricks on the swing!