Here is our newest addition - Mr. Jack! He sure is a sweetie pie. Labor went very smoothly this time around. We went in to the hospital around midnight on Tuesday and he was out by 10:52AM on Tuesday! Luckily the epidural worked like a charm this time and I dilated at an excessive speed of going from 2cm to 8cm in less than an hour and then to being fully dilated about a half hour later!! Then after 3 (yes 3) big ole pushes Jack was out!!

Sam got to meet his little brother this afternoon and boy was it interesting! I believe Sam, Jack and mommy were all crying the first 5 minutes:) Once things settled down Sam finally decided Jack wasn't so bad. He helped change his first diaper and was fascinated with his little toes and fingers. I think in time they are gonna be buds - let's hope!
He is absolutely beautiful! You have a beautiful family. I am glad things went smoothly, lucky!! Have a good time with your new little guy!
Congrats Klines!!! Such a beautiful family! Adorable.
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