Well. thankfully July just flew by! Only two more months til daddy is back home with us!!! We sure are missin him like crazy and hope the time keeps going by fast! However, we will really miss living with G-ma and G-pa, they are such great help! The boys keep their mommy extremely busy but she wouldn't trade it for anything:)
They are actually starting to play a little together, another 6 months and my life will be so much easier - I hope!! As long as there aren't any other babies???

We finished off the month with a visit to see daddy. Well, the trip started off good, Jack was a very good boy on the airplane, except one little spell on the way home:), we met daddy in Brunswick, GA and we were sooooo happy to see him. Things went well Friday - we drove to Savannah and had a great dinner, then come Saturday morning daddy decided to get the flu!!! YUCK!!! Poor daddy was soooo sick - he didn't come to life until Tuesday. So our nice relaxing vacation turned into a pretty rough weekend, oh well, at least mommy and Jack got a lot of shopping in - thankgoodness there was a mall close by!!

Daddy's "play" gun - I felt bad sam wasn't there so I thought I would get him in the picture:) Thank goodness daddy has one cool pillowcase!
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