We had such a great time in Iowa this past fall! It is always so much fun getting to spend time with family! Hopefully we can start planning another trip soon - we are missing everyone!! The boys have a blast out on the "farm". It was extremely hard leaving Iowa to come back to Hawaii - the last few weeks of our trip were extremely difficult ones - I thank you all for your prayers for my dad. He had a rough few months but things are finally looking up. He is doing great! We are all so greatful he is a fighter and made it though all this! We need our grandpa around for a long long time!

Jack likes to play dress up - actually I think mommy was having more fun with this than Jack! I think she needs a girl to dress up:) Jack is trying to potty train himself! This is how I find him throughout the day - completely naked on the potty!
Another fridge monkey!

Mommy got bored and decided to do a photoshoot of her own!
Full of smiles!
Sam and Jack made g-ma an awesome dinosaur cake for her b-day! They had fun helping g-ma decorate her tree. Grandma made us wait until after Halloween to put it up:)
Like father like son - this little man was obsessed with deer hunting. He would watch for deer out the window every night with g-ma and g-pa. He loved to go for rides in the truck looking for deer. He even got his own gun so he could "whack a deer" as Sam says. Daddy was so excited to take Sam out on a "road hunt" they were so cute! These two are gonna have lots of fun in a few years.
Who knew a dead deer would be so much fun to poke and play around - ewww! Mommy was not present for this activity. Daddy took him to the farm to hang out with all the boys.
He "whacked one"!! Sam got to help G-pa Lynn with his deer. G-pa came and got Sam to help him find his deer - he had so much fun finding the deer. He still talks about "whacking a deer". He even got to help G-pa gut and skin the deer. He had his butter knife and was gettin all into it. Daddy would have been proud!
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